NOTE: Beards, tattoos, height, body build, and few other exterior attributes are the differences between alpha and sigma males; it's their mindset. Alphas are usually at the top, Betas follow, and Sigmas don’t fit a standard mold. Read on for a better explanation of these two archetypes. In recent years, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male have emerged as popular character archetypes in romantic suspense novels. While both types of characters may possess strong personalities and leadership qualities, there are some key differences between them that set them apart. First, let’s define what I mean by an Alpha Male. The Alpha Male is the traditional strong, confident, and assertive male character. He is often the leader of the pack, who is not afraid to take charge in most situations. Often, he is the person in control, and his confidence and assertiveness are often seen as attractive to the female protagonist. Alpha Males in a novel are typically powerful, domineering, and confident. On the other hand, the Sigma Male is a more recent archetype that has emerged in literature. A Sigma Male is often seen as an outsider, someone who doesn’t fit into the traditional Alpha Male mold. They tend to be more introverted, and they are not as concerned with fitting in with the crowd. They often possess a strong sense of self and self-reliance, and they are not afraid to question the status quo. They can be more mysterious and less predictable than Alpha Males. Sigma Males in a novel are often seen as mysterious and enigmatic. Second, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male usually have different approaches to relationships. Alpha Males tend to be more dominant and are often the ones who take the lead. They are not afraid to make the first move, and they are often seen as the ones who are in control. They may also be more possessive and jealous, and may not be as open to compromise in a relationship. Sigma Males, on the other hand, tend to be more independent and less interested in being in charge of a relationship. They are not as likely to make the first move, and they may be more reserved in expressing their feelings. They may be more comfortable in being equal partners with the other person and not needing to be in the lead role. They may also be more open to communication and compromise. Lastly, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male have different approaches to solving problems. Alpha Males tend to be more assertive, and they are often the first to take action. They are not afraid to confront a problem head-on, and they may use force to solve it if needed. They are often seen as confident problem solvers. Sigma Males, however, tend to be more thoughtful and introspective. They may not be as quick to take action, but they are more likely to take a step back and consider all options before making a decision. They may be more likely to use tact and diplomacy to solve problems, instead of brute force. They can be more strategic and use unconventional methods to achieve their goals. While both archetypes can be interesting and complex characters, I realize one or the other might appeal to different readers and play different roles in the story. Personally, while some of my male characters might have one area where they seem Alpha-like, nearly all of my male characters are Sigma Males. Personal preference plays out in my stories, I guess. 😊 Comments Welcome! What Say You? Did you know there was a difference between Alpha and Sigma Males? Do you have a preference? What books have you read lately that you can clearly see the difference in the types of characters? Until next time, happy reading! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. Find all my books at your favorite book retailer in eBook, Paperback, and Audio! Amazon US - Amazon Worldwide Google Play iTunes Kobo Barnes & Noble Audible Chirp Audiobooks My books featuring some of my favorite Sigma Male Leads! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
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One of the things I've noticed about novels and movies is that, over the last few decades, writers have portrayed the majority of men to be cold-hearted, uncaring men who need to be tamed. Maybe it’s because my father raised me, but I never saw this. In fact, throughout my years, I’ve seen just the opposite. Most of the men I’ve known have loved women to their own detriment. I wondered: how can I prove men have feelings, love deeply, heart and soul? Anyone remember Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney and Wings? I started thinking about that song, and I was off and running! Here's what I found! Note: This isn’t one of those infallible, never-slanted polls taken by Fox or CNN (insert laughter). I did this on my own. I chose not to look at just one source, but many. I decided the best way to prove men have feelings was to use their own words. I researched Billboard, Top 100, Country’s Best, and several other music lists to find the top love songs in all genres, across all ages. And then, I looked up who wrote the lyrics, because that’s what really matters, right? Surprise… I was right! Of course, if I hadn't been, you wouldn’t have seen this post. (more laughter) Would it shock you to hear that ninety percent of all love songs — in every genre — were written by men. Many of those gooey, sweet love songs we love, even the ones sung by women, came out of a man’s mind. Why does this interest me? Because I write about strong male characters "sigma alphas" (more on that next week) who, though they may seem controlling at times, love deeply with all of their heart and soul. My leads are willing to do anything to get, keep, and protect the women they love. So, if you enjoy reading romantic suspense stories with strong male protagonists, you might love my novels. Below are the firsts in many of my series with, you guessed it, sigma heroes. Oh, in case you're wondering, my women aren't too weak either. Even if they start out that way, they tend to grow by the end. Until next time, happy reading! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. Find all my books at your favorite book retailer in eBook, Paperback, and Audio! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon Paranormal romance is a subgenre of romance that combines elements of fantasy, science fiction, and horror with romantic relationships. These books often feature supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, shape-shifters, and/or magical powers, alternate worlds, and mythological beings. They can range from light and playful to dark and intense, and appeal to a wide audience of readers. We enjoy paranormal romance novels, both as a form of escapism and as a way to explore our own emotions and desires. First, paranormal romance novels offer a chance to escape from the mundane and the ordinary. These books provide a rich and imaginative world where anything is possible, and readers can experience adventures and encounters that are beyond their everyday lives. Whether it's fighting against evil forces, discovering hidden abilities, or falling in love with a mysterious and enigmatic hero/heroine, paranormal romance novels provide a sense of excitement and wonder that can be hard to find in the real world. Second, paranormal romance novels often feature strong and complex characters who are capable, independent, and confident. These characters are often the main protagonists and the driving force behind the story, and they are portrayed as intelligent, resourceful, and determined. They may have to overcome challenges and adversity, but they are always resilient and brave, and they never give up on their goals or their loved ones. Through these characters, readers can see themselves reflected and empowered, and they can find role models and inspiration for their own lives. Third, paranormal romance novels often deal with themes and issues that are relevant and relatable. These books can explore relationships, family, friendships, self-discovery, identity, and personal growth in a way that is meaningful and poignant. They can also delve into social and cultural issues such as gender roles, sexism, racism, and discrimination, and offer a commentary on these issues through the lens of the supernatural. By reading paranormal stories, we can not only get lost in a different world, but also gain insights and perspectives on our own lives and the world around us. Fourth, paranormal romance novels can provide a sense of emotional satisfaction and fulfillment. These books often focus on the development of romantic relationships, and they usually have a happy ending where the main characters find love and happiness. While the romance may be unconventional and may involve obstacles and conflicts, it is always passionate, intense, and genuine. Through these stories, we can experience the thrill and the joy of falling in love and feel a sense of emotional connection and validation. Finally, paranormal romance novels can offer a sense of community and belonging. These books have a large and dedicated fan base, and many readers enjoy discussing and debating their favorite books and characters with others. There are also many online groups, forums, and blogs where readers can share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences, and find like-minded people who share their interests and passions. By joining this community, we can feel a sense of belonging and support, and we can find a place where we can be ourselves and express ourselves freely. So what do you say? What do you like or not like about paranormal romance? Personally, I want to believe, the reason I set my paranormal stories in our world. They could be your neighbor or the employee sitting across from you. When you read my paranormal books, I want you to wonder: "What if?" Discover the mysteries of the Creatus series. Start the series FREE NOW! Oh, and if you're all caught up, the ultimate battle starts now with the release of Creatus Unyielding! Pre-order now for only $0.99! Follow my newsletter or author pages to be the first to know about new releases, specials, and writing posts!
The Battle Starts Now! Creatus Unyielding is available to pre-order. Start the series Free today!12/13/2022 For four thousand years, creatus have hidden their existence from humans. But now a faction of militaristic creatus has a weapon, a being so fierce that its legacy of death and destruction has fed nightmares for millennia. One woman has the power to stop the new breed—by creating an army of creatus capable of protecting humans from annihilation. But sometimes you can’t control what you create. READ MORE! Pre-order at the introductory price! If you haven't started the series, you can do that now — absolutely FREE!
Thank you to all my avid-reading friends who have been so patient with me on releasing this series. As many of you know, I've been through too many injuries and personal issues to even talk about. Plus, I have to do what my agent thinks is best--and so I had to step away a bit to work on other projects. But now, yay, I can finish what I started! As always, because of your patience, I am offering this new release for only $0.99 on pre-order, so you folks don't miss the best deal. So please don't wait! My publisher is not happy about it, as we all have bills, so the price will go to retail the day it's released. Happy New Year, my friends! I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2023! Carmen Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon I'm a fan of Wikipedia for general research, not quotable text. It's a great place to start, as it usually has a great compilation of information from other sources. Often, when I Google a question, Wikipedia is the first page to pop up. So I tend to begin my search on the most “clicked on” page, and then I dig deeper based on my findings. In the case of my mysteries, especially where the cause of death and ways to die are an essential part of the story, I seek out scientific journals and experts in that specific field. There, that's my disclosure. On to my blog post. :) Recently, I had a quick question on the popularity of short stories. I agreed with Wikipedia until I read ... "Sometimes, authors who do not have the time or money to write a novella or novel decide to write short stories instead..." — Wikipedia Say, WHAT??? Umm ... wrong! How on earth does a short story cost less? Most authors spend the same dollar amount on their cover, and it doesn't cost anything to upload it to Amazon. Time ... maybe ... but even that seems silly, as authors who write short stories, usually write many of them. I think authors write short stories because they enjoy writing short stories, especially in between large projects or while waiting for their editor or publisher to finish reading their current project. "Short stories date back to oral storytelling traditions which originally produced epics such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey circa 7th or 8th century" — Wikipedia, again (I didn't see the need to research further.) Charles Dickens and Washington Irving — who were famous for novels and biographies — wrote short stories and, of course, Edgar Allan Poe argued that a literary work should be short enough for a reader to finish in one sitting. And yet, when I went looking for advertising, I found it almost impossible to find a website that was willing to promote my short stories ... even if I were willing to pay the same amount as I would to advertise a full novel. I also noticed many publishers refuse to publish short stories, which as far as money goes, I can understand that. They would have to shell out money for a cover for little return. And now for the craziest thought, considering what Wikipedia said about money. I wrote my short stories, knowing I was going to give them away. Yep. I wrote my first short, The Pit Stop (This Stop Could be Life or Death), as an exercise in “pantsing” versus “plotting” and to have fun with my readers, which a lot of them happened to be authors. I wrote five hundred words a week on my website, and then asked readers where we should go next. When I finished, I informed them I'd publish it and pay tribute to my top contributors. But then something happened! My lovely readers demanded more — I love it when that happens. Per readers' requests, I wrote The Depot (When Life and Death Cross Tracks). And then, based on those two short stories — again per readers' demands — I wrote a follow-up novel, The Library (Where Life Checks Out). And with no awesome book advertising, but because of word of mouth from some great readers, The Pit Stop and The Depot hit #1 in Mystery Short Stories and spent plenty of time in the top 100 in the last few years. When I received my rights back from my publisher, I had to re-upload them. Again they the hit #1 and #2 spots! The Pit Stop is still available as a free download, but I decided to combine The Depot with its follow-up novel, The Library, so readers wouldn't happenstance on The Library and miss the set up. My thoughts on short stories: An average movie is one and a half to two hours long, and yet, it can still convey a full life — from birth to death — of a character. We can solve a ten-year-old murder mystery, or view a first date as it matures into marriage and kids. So why wouldn't I like a quick escape when I'm sitting at the DMV, waiting in the doctor's office, or a hundred other places where we waste hours of our time? The answer is: I do like that. In fact, I love it! I've read many short stories on car trips across the state, flights, and waiting while my car gets serviced. Side note...have you noticed how many movies are based on short stories? Short stories are a great way to meet an author without a long-term commitment or a nice release when you need just a little escape before going to bed, since there's no risk of staying up too late to finish the story, as most short stories take less than an hour to read. Well, that's it. Just my thoughts on why I write and read short stories. And so you know, I would never think to compare myself to the "greats" I mentioned above; they were just my point that short stories can be great and are an art. I have a long way to go, but my short stories do have hundreds of reviews averaging four-plus stars. So if you want to try one on for size, you can download The Pit Stop (This Stop Could be Life or Death) absolutely FREE from your favorite retailer. I hope you enjoy this quick escapes from reality! Start the collection FREE today! Thank you for reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you're curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I'll even give you a couple free full-length novels just for stopping by. As always, happy reading, friends.
Carmen DeSousa Food in Books... "Please, sir, I want some more." Plus, my coveted recipe for easy Baklava Bites!11/17/2022 I don't know what made me think of this last night while I was making dinner, but I said to my husband, "Remember all our childhood books... Remember how many of them not only mentioned food, but FOOD was a major contributor to the story?" Sometimes it was the character's mission: to find food. And often, a certain food was a character's downfall. The more I thought about it, the more books I remembered, so I set out on a mission to find the top 100 children's books of all time, and then I tried to remember if those books featured FOOD! I forgot how many books I actually read as a child! Hopefully, you'll have a few good memories, too! By now, you're probably trying to think of all the books you loved as a child and remember if the stories centered around food. I'll save you the brain power...
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - Edmund betrays his family for Turkish Delight! Hansel & Gretel - Man, that was a rough one! The father has to take the kids in the woods and try to get them lost because they don't have enough food, and then the witch, of course, attracts children with a Gingerbread House! Hunger Games - While I don't feel Hunger Games is a children's book, it's labeled as such, and it's all about food--the lack of it!!! Winnie the Pooh - Of course, everyone remembers how MUCH Pooh ate and ended up stuck in Rabbit's tree. Where the Wild Things Are - The story starts when his mother sends him to bed without his supper! Snow White - The famous red apple. Three Bears, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Giving Tree, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Secret Garden, and on and on... I started wondering WHY all these beloved children's books featured food or lack of food as a primary focus, and then it dawned on me. Most of these books were written around the Great Depression. I remember all the stories my grandmother would tell me how if they got a piece of candy, they would try to divide it into six pieces. I certainly never starved as a child, but we didn't have much food in the house. A ginormous box of Corn Flakes, a huge jar of generic peanut butter, and bread from the day-old bread store were our staples. I always loved going to my aunt's house because her pantry was always stocked. Because of going without as a child, food has always been a priority to me. My pantry is always stocked. Without a doubt, I'd go without electricity before a stocked pantry. And there went my brain again, making me wonder, do I place a focus on food in my books? I do, I realized.
Yep, it seems food isn't just for fuel. It's such a part of my life that I enjoy reading and writing about it! How about you? I welcome your thoughts on this crazy-long post! What books did you love as a child? Did you recognize the focus on food? Which classic children's books did I forget? The Recipe! Please note: I use super simple instructions for my recipes, as I like to save them in my phone. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email, and I'll gladly help. I re-invented my original recipe that I learned in Tarpon Springs, Florida to make it easy to travel and serve. For parties, simply triple the recipe to make 45. The great thing about Baklava is that it is even better the next day, and it doesn't have to be refrigerated. Also, by making them in the shells instead of the sheets I used to use, they are portion controlled and easier to share! Also, I use Country Crock plant butter, and I swear it tastes just as yummy as my original recipe! You can certainly use real butter. Wish I still could!!!! :) Want more writing tidbits and super easy recipes, subscribe to my Newsletter!
Want first-hand news of new release and book sales, follow me on BookBub or Amazon! Three generations of secrets… Three murders… And the dead won't rest until the murderer checks out, too. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“The plot is intricate, while also being easy to follow...The paranormal aspect is well done. While not the central focus, the ghosts offer just enough to give Mark — and readers — something to think about.” — TOP 100 REVIEWER VINE VOICE Detective Mark Waters tackles an eerie case that raises questions he never thought he’d ask… Is it possible that a woman murdered 80 years ago is working from beyond the grave? Just like Kindle and Audible, all you do is click and download, then listen via your smartphone, tablet, or PC. And, yes, there's even a Free Alexa Skill if you like to listen through your Alexa-enabled device or speaker. Get your copy now! Prefer to read via the eBook, no problem. Find The Library at your favorite retailer! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon Whether you've read my paranormal romance, chick lit, or romantic suspense action adventures, all my stories have a common theme — l call them modern-day fairy tales. Think about it... All those fairy tales we read as a child were anything but mild. What we call a fairy tale often started off as an abused or tragedy-stricken child. Well, I take that concept and what many people deal with in real, modern-day life and attempt to help my protagonists find a way out of their tragedies and find their happily ever afters. Because, let’s face it, isn’t that what we are all trying to do — find our happily ever after? And today, I'm introducing you to two of my friends who write wonderfully romantic stories about second chances and learning to love again! Women's Fiction, Coming-of-Age Romance College and career are hard enough without bringing love into the mix, but when Jesse and Kayla meet over spring break, their individual dreams merge into one. Until tragedy strikes. Now thrust into a world of tragedy and grief, others insist they are too young. But when you find the love of your life, all you can do is hold on and Love Like Crazy. READ MORE Kindle US ● Excerpt ● Series ● Audible Kindle UK ● Kindle CA ● Kindle AU ● Kindle IN Also available in a Boxed Set! Women's Fiction, New Adult Romance She was supposed to be a summer romance, but Raleigh fell fast for the only person who made him feel worthy of love. He was supposed to be a fling with a bad boy, but he made Mia feel alive … until a tragic accident tore them apart. Seven years later, fate throws them together and, with the same breath, threatens to separate them forever. READ MORE Kindle US ● Excerpt ● Series Kindle UK ● Kindle CA ● Kindle AU ● Kindle IN Also available in a Boxed Set! Women's Fiction, Romantic Suspense Dive into a world of secrets, laughter, and passion! Three gorgeous men and three fiery women find their destinies together in this unforgettable romance collection. READ MORE
"Publishing a book is like being pregnant. By the end, you're just ready to get that baby out!" Yep, I'm the one who said that! In fact, I've said it every time I've published a book. I haven't been around as long as Nicholas Sparks or Nora Roberts, but this isn't my first rodeo either. This is my (hang on while I take off my shoes to count) 21st novel (plus I've written four novellas). But yeah, just like being pregnant, it doesn't matter. That baby has to come out! And no matter how much preparation I've put into its arrival, no matter how many times I've done it before, when the day comes, I'm scared to death. But here's the real reason I'm here today!!! If "Publishing a book is like being pregnant," which I truly think it is--after all, I've delivered two real babies and twenty-five books, so I know the pain of both--I swear I'm in postpartum depression. Really, and it's not because I have a lack of books to write. In fact, it's just the opposite. I have several half-written novels. I've specked out a six-book follow-up series to the Midnight Sons series, which will tell the stories of our leading ladies BEFORE they arrived in Alaska. I've started book six in the Creatus series. I have several chapters and tons of notes on book six in the Southern Collection. I have a half-written follow-up novel to The Library, which I'd set aside to finish the Midnight Sons series. AND... I have a FINISHED supernatural suspense that has been sitting in my computer for years! So, as I sat around last night, wallowing in my depressed mood--which is actually rare for me; I'm not usually a wallower (is wallower even a word)--I actually started another book. Yes, you heard me correctly. I have no less than ten things on my plate, and before I knew it, I had a thousand words typed out in a new series that has been chomping at the back of my brain. What on earth is wrong with me? I thought. Then I realized... I LOVE being pregnant! Well, not really pregnant--I hate being physically pregnant. But I LOVE to write. It doesn't matter if I get a few bad reviews; I simply LOVE to write! And more than writing, I love to BE READ. I know there are a lot of snobby people in the world, but I assure you, I'm not one of them!!! If you tell me you enjoyed my book and follow me on Twitter, you're my friend. So, after all this, I think I've resolved my question of why I have PPD. I crave the story... I crave that feeling when I finish a book and send it off to my beta readers, whom I hear from almost immediately, which satisfies my thirst for a while. So, I'm anxious to get back to work and pen another book, so I'll get my fix. Or--and this would be awesome--if you've already finished reading Daire's Resolution and enjoyed it, please write a review on Amazon, BookBub, Goodreads, and/or wherever you buy books. I promise you I'll read it. Unlike some authors, I read every review--good and bad. Though I definitely prefer reading comments from happy folks. :') If you haven't grabbed the new release yet... Daire's Resolution is available at all major book retailers! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon “My name is Silvia Markow,” she droned. “Birth date, August 28. I am twenty-six years old.” She recited the social security number she’d had to memorize, the new driver’s license number. City and state of birth. Harvey dropped a mouthful of kibble on the yellowed linoleum floor, then chomped on individual bites, staring up at her as she recited the essential information. She inhaled through her nose for a count of four, held her breath for seven counts, then slowly exhaled through her mouth with a whooshing sound. “I am safe. My mother is safe. My sister is safe.” Crumbs of dog chow fell from Harvey’s thick jowls. She stared down at Harvey and smiled. “And I have a ginormous adopted baby who won’t let anything happen to me.” Daire's Resolution is HERE! Stand-Alone Story--No Cliffhanger! Secrets. . . Daire Belgarde knows that Alaska is the hiding place of the nation. Nearly everyone who moves to The Last Frontier is running from someone or hiding something. And now, the woman he loves is keeping a secret, too. A deadly one! READ MORE What readers are saying about the Midnight Sons... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Suspense and sensual romance are expertly combined in this riveting story." — Goodreads (Sam's Folly) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "An escape into the remote wilderness, with scenes that'll take your breath away and characters you can't help but love." — TOP 100 VINE VOICE (Alex's Atonement) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Suspense, Romance, Action, and Drama…Midnight Sons Series Has IT ALL!" — Goodreads (Vince’s Chance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This series just keeps getting better!" — Goodreads (Erik’s Revelation) Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon Are you caught up? The final book in the Midnight Sons Alaska Search-and-Rescue series is here!5/16/2022 When Erik Belgarde sets off to find the truth about his past, he encounters Kimi Bennett, a woman running from hers. Secrets… Daire Belgarde knows that Alaska is the hiding place of the nation. Nearly everyone who moves to The Last Frontier is running from someone or hiding something. And now, the woman he loves is keeping a secret, too. A deadly one! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon When aspiring journalist Maura moves to Chicago with her eight-year-old son, she teams up with fellow employee Rick to fulfill the Christmas wishes of children across the city. Will the spirit of the season bring their hearts together, or will secrets tear them apart? READ MORE Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon First of all, I hope your summer was great and that you came through the last year happy and healthy. Me, I'm excited for fall! I mean, really, I know there are three other great seasons, but fall... It beckons me, saying, "Hey, a crazy busy time is coming up, so take a moment to sip a pumpkin-spiced latte and read a book...or ten!" Now that the weather has cooled off in my neck of the woods, I've been flying through books like crazy. And oddly enough, they're not the type of books I've been reading for the last few years. My guess is that I've been wanting to get back to my roots of writing whodunnits, so I've been binge-reading mystery books. Yeah, there's a little romance in them, too, as I love a little sexual tension. Other than the books I've been reading, I have great news. . . The final book in The Midnight Sons collection is on the way! I know y'all have been waiting since Sam's Folly for Daire's story, so I'm happy to report it's up for pre-order. Grab Daire's Resolution now! Secrets… Daire Belgarde knows that Alaska is the hiding place of the nation. Nearly everyone who moves to The Last Frontier is running from someone or hiding something. And now, Daire is keeping a secret—he’s in love with his boss. Over the last few weeks, keeping his feelings hidden has gotten harder because it’s clear the woman he loves has come to Alaska to hide, too. . . READ MORE While you're waiting for Daire's Story, take a look at... What I've been reading!
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Available at all major book retailers!
Stand-Alone Story - No Cliffhanger!
Women's Fiction, Romantic Suspense
While searching for answers about his past, Erik witnesses a runaway horse and runs head-on into Kimi Bennett — literally. Although they constantly butt heads, he can’t help but admire how she loves horses and his beautiful home state of Alaska. When authorities start asking questions about the new horse whisperer in town, though, and Kimi disappears, Erik realizes their future together is what matters most and calls on his Midnight Sons brothers to find Kimi before her past catches up to her… READ MORE
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Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon I had to stop writing when I broke down over a character dying, and I’m the psycho who killed him...4/12/2021 When I sit down to write a novel, I generally have no idea where I’m going. My typical start of a story is usually the main character—whether it’s the male protagonist or the female protagonist—and whatever issue they are facing. From there, I just ask myself questions:
The great thing is, just like the reader, I never know exactly what my characters will do. Sure, I know I want a happily ever after, but I also know that not every character will get a happily ever after. And the detours they make along the way sometimes even surprise me. Why? Because I allow my story to progress naturally. I typically write two thousand words a day, and then every night I read the last few chapters to make sure the story flows, marking any areas that need addressing, and then go to sleep, allowing the characters to come alive in my dreams. And ohhh how they do. It’s not unusual for hubby to see me typing on my iPhone’s notepad in the middle of the night. Often it’ll just be a great line or a missing link I was in search of. When I finally finish the novel, I take an entire day and read from beginning to end, making sure the story flows and that there are no holes or contradictions. Easy, right? I’ve read this story almost thirty times at this juncture. How can it surprise me, how can it make me cry? And yet, here I am, sitting on the sofa, my afghan curled around me, and I’m bawling over something that happened. Hubby, who has been sitting quietly by his computer—because he knows it’s read-through day—whips his chair around to face me and asks, “Are you okay?” I swipe away my tears and answer, “Yes, I just can’t believe that happened.” “Wait. I thought you were reading your book?” he asks. “I am,” I answer. “But it still makes me cry.” He shakes his head and goes back to typing his nonfiction. One of my favorite quotes is by Robert Frost: “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” Well, I’m always surprised, and I always cry when something happens to my characters, so I hope when you read my books you will, too! If you enjoy stories that blend happy and sad, romantic and suspenseful, click the link for your favorite retailer below and grab one of my free books. If you’ve read all my books, make sure you grab my new release, Erik’s Revelation, so you’ll know why I was crying! Until next time, happy reading! Carmen DeSousa Visit one of my author pages to grab my free bestsellers or my new release, Erik's Revelation! Kindle ● Play ● iBooks ● Nook ● Kobo Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
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You already know Erik!
Today, meet Kimi!
Erik's Revelation is a stand-alone story, as are all the books in the Midnight Sons series. However, if you want to start from the beginning, start with Sam's Folly!
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Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon I Write about what I know. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's sad, but it always ends in Happily Ever After!A professor once told me that all first-time authors write their autobiography, even if tagged fiction. While I don’t believe that’s completely true, after all, some first-time authors write about vampires and shape shifters, I do think there’s a modicum of truth to that statement. In other words, even if an author writes a work of fiction, there are usually many elements of the story that are factual, and I’d venture to guess that, at minimum, authors probably pattern characters after people whom they know. When my college professor suggested: “Write what you know.” — a quote often attributed to Mark Twain, but some say it is much older — I wasn’t certain if I really wanted to do that. After all, who would believe me? Here are a few scary subjects I know about: Child abuse, Sexual abuse, Drug abuse, Alcohol abuse, Abandonment, Rape, Suicide, Depression, Stalkers, Crime, Tragedies, Death... But, thankfully, I also know about a lot of good subjects, too: A new family, Hiking, Kayaking, Love at first sight, Happily ever after, Police & Detective Procedures, Belief in God, The power to overcome adversity…, Hey, I moved out on my own at the age of seventeen, and I'm married to a retired police detective, so I've seen a lot. The problem is ... will anyone believe or want to read about "what you know?" Well, I guess that depends. If you put it into a story, add a little, as Hollywood refers to it: Based on a true story, but dramatic elements have been added for the sake of artistic expression, then, yeah, some people will believe and/or want to read because more than likely they can identify with a character and/or a situation. And while they can enjoy an escape into a fictional story, they may take something from it. The funny thing is most of the stories throughout history are based on a couple of those "unbelievable" elements I listed above. Although they may not all be in the same story, "love at first sight," "family tragedy," and/or "an unbelievable or vicious crime" are often the basis of a work of literary fiction. Fairy tales did it. Suspense-thrillers do it. It’s a great start! So if you don’t believe one or more of the elements of a story, does that make it "unbelievable" or a "bad" story? One of the most popular themes is "love at first sight," which often gets a bad rap by reviewers. You may not believe in "love at first sight," but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and many readers love it. In fact, even movies that aren’t tagged as "love at first site," usually have a hero and heroine thrust into an incredibly unbelievable situation, and are all of a sudden willing to die for each other. Of course, there are many classics like that, too: Romeo and Juliet, all the fairy tales, even The Godfather ... ooh, I bet you forgot about that one. Remember when Michael Corleone is walking through the picturesque countryside in Sicily and he spots the beautiful Apollonia… See, even graphic thrillers do it! Well, as I mentioned in the above list, these are all the things I write about. Why? Because it’s what I know. So, let me share a tidbit of information with the unbelievers of the world who don't think "love at first sight" exists... I’ve experienced a lot of tragedy in my life, but I got lucky in love! After my first date with my husband, I called my grandmother and told her I'd just met the man I was going to marry. Thirteen days later, he asked me to marry him. Thirty days later, we got married, and we’ve been married for thirty-one years. Yes, I believe in "love at first sight," yes, I write tales filled with tragedy, mystery, suspense, hope and, above all, romance, because I’m living one. I’ll leave the rest of "what I know" situations that I write about in my books up to your imagination, and let you try to figure out what's real or made up. :) Until next time, happy reading and imagining! Carmen If you would like to read a little more about what I write, follow the links below to learn more about my bestsellers. My stories are available in print, eBook, and audio formats at your favorite retailer. I even have a few freebies, so you can dive in risk-free! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
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Dear Friend,
My wish for you is that 2021 is everything you hope for! Your best year ever!!! My New Year's Goal... I'm going to try to write more and worry less! After all, and I'll quote since no one says it better: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his/her life?" And since I know you are an avid reader like me, I'm offering FREE Audiobooks so you get more reading in your life, which IMHO, leads to less stress. If you're new to my books, check out the FREE eBooks listed after the audiobooks and my new releases and pre-order! Happy New Year! Carmen
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Sam Belgarde never wanted to be the head of his family’s search & rescue team, but when life dumps responsibilities in your lap, you either run away or step up. Sam stepped up. He also never wanted to be a hero, but he and his search dogs can sense danger a mile away… And Nora Molina is Danger with a Capital D, and Sam doesn't run from danger.
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When Erik Belgarde sets off to find the truth about his past, he encounters Kimi Bennett, a woman running from her present… Erik remembers the day Adam Belgarde found him in the forest. He remembers the day Adam brought him home to Claire Belgarde and his new brothers. Erik grew up with everything a child could want: a mother and father who loved him, who came to his rescue when he had night terrors, who greeted him with the same loving smiles and hugs they offered their own children. The love of his adopted family had made it possible for Erik to suppress the memory of the couple screaming at each other, waiting for their wrath to turn his way. As far as he knew, his real parents had died in the woods, and Adam Belgarde had rescued him. Now he discovers it was all a lie… The Belgardes lied to him from the beginning. Why? While searching for answers about his past, Erik witnesses a runaway horse and runs head-on into Kimi Bennett — literally — while trying to rescue a child. Although Erik and Kimi constantly butt heads, he can’t help but admire how she loves horses and his beautiful home state of Alaska. When authorities start asking questions about the new horse whisperer in town, though, and Kimi disappears, Erik realizes their future together is what matters most and calls on his Midnight Sons brothers to find Kimi before her past catches up to her. What readers are saying about the Midnight Sons series: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "An Alaskan Adventure... Who doesn't love a bad boy? Match him with a tough, independent female, and you have a dream couple!" -- TOP 100 VINE VOICE (Sam's Folly)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Suspense and sensual romance are expertly combined in this riveting story." -- AVP (Sam's Folly) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "An escape into the remote wilderness, with scenes that'll take your breath away and characters you can't help but love." -- TOP 100 VINE VOICE (Alex's Atonement) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Suspense and romance with a good storyline." -- Goodreads (Alex's Atonement) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Realistic, emotional read." -- TOP 100 VINE VOICE (Vince's Chance) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "More complex than you average romance... As it moved along, I was sitting in my chair finishing the book (for a couple of hours) instead of fixing dinner.." -- AVP (Vince's Chance) |
December 2024