Let’s face it! We live in a world where few people find their happily ever after, even though most of our childhood stories preached that to us. Wait a minute! Did they? I keep hearing…and I’ve been known to write, “I’ve obviously read too many fairytales...” But when I look back, the fairy tales weren’t all sunshine and roses. In fact, as I wrote in another post of mine, often the characters in what we tag as fairy tales were beaten, banished, orphaned, poisoned, lost, and on and on… So where does the fairy tale aspect actually play out? Is it when the dashing prince on the white stallion sweeps in and they live happily ever after? Chuh! But, hey, the protagonist had to go through many trials to get there. So what’s so bad about that? Personally, I don’t think there’s a problem, except for putting all your dreams in one knight in shining armor who turns out to be a FROG! But you can still work at your happily ever after, with or without the prince or princess, right? Although, in my opinion, I think we’re all looking for someone who completes us. The fact of the matter is a troubled past helps us appreciate a wonderful present. When we experience trials, we often seek out God and loved ones for support and are that much more thankful when the trial ends. So, I don’t have trouble with fairy tales; that’s why I write them -- modern-day fairy tales, that is. I put my characters through trials and tribulations because I know that somewhere, someone can relate. Yes, there’s normally a knight in hidden armor, who usually requires some polishing up before he’s fit to be a prince. But again, isn’t that what great relationships do? They feed off each other to become better partners. My husband will often tell people that he is a better person because of me, but you know what? If it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t be alive. So, together, we will make our happily ever after by filling each other's weaknesses. If you’re interested, this is what I write about in all my stories. People who have flaws, but learn to overcome, trust when all else fails so they can love again, and forgive so they can know peace. I even used fairy tale in my original tag line for the Creatus series: Creatus - It is from them we obtain our fairy tales—and our nightmares. They are the reason we believe in superheroes—and monsters. Because…they exist. And, yes, there is a "knight in shining armor," but the heroine has to go through A LOT of trials to find him. If you haven't read the Creatus series yet, the first book, which is actually TWO books, is FREE at all major book retailers or find it on Amazon.com! If you've already read it, find links to the next books in the series or pre-order the new release here! Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. Until next time, Happy Reading! Carmen Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts.
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Isn’t it the truth? Doesn't a great book just take you away? As a reader, I love when a book captures me so completely that I feel lonely when I finish. I can't begin to count how many books I've read more than once to hang out with my friends again, probably the reason I enjoy reading series. No, my books aren't always going to make you smile; in fact, I anger some folks. Why? I'm not sure exactly; maybe it's because my characters are real. They struggle with disappointments, regret, abuse, loss, addiction... But I always give them a way out. Sadly, not all my characters accept the dangling light at the end of the tunnel. To me, that's what makes a reader connect with the characters. Like a good friend, you stand beside them through their ups and down, experience their tragedies and their triumphs, invest in their lives so that you can cheer for them if they obtain their happily ever after. If you're ready to fall in love, solve a mystery, laugh, cry, gasp, have hope for a happily ever after, and most of all just escape for a few hours, try one of my stories. Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. Looking for that FEELING I mentioned, listed below is a freebie from me and deals from a couple of my authors friends I think you'll enjoy! Until next time, Happy Reading! Carmen Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts.
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Happy Valentine's Day, my friends!
Whether you have a date or not, I know most of you still like to snuggle up with a book over this romantic holiday. And what better way to celebrate than with great deals of romantic books? Listed below are a few perfect picks for Valentine's Day from my publisher. All are great books, so grab them today. If that's not cause to feel all warm and cozy, my publisher is also running a giveaway, featuring FREE BOOKS and a Kindle Fire! Hope you enjoy your special day! Happy Reading!
More Great Deals and Kindle Unlimited Specials!
No Perfect Secret - Romantic Suspense, Women's Fiction Until I Die Again - Romantic Suspense with a Supernatural Edge Lonely Heart - Romantic Women's Fiction, Multicultural
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Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon BELIEVE IT!!!! This crust checks all the boxes! Easy 💠 Fast 💠 Tasty 💠 High Protein 💠 Low Calorie 💠 Budget Friendly This recipe makes about a 9-inch crust, but you can double it for a larger pizza. I don't share difficult recipes. The recipes I share are designed that you can download the image to your Smartphone. That way you can just prop up your phone and cook away! So, the next image is just that, the complete recipe on on photocard. If you have additional questions, just reply to this post, and I'll help out in any way I can. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't stick to a strict KETO diet. Instead, I watch my calories, and I limit sugary and high-carb foods. As I said above, this crust clicks all the boxes, weighing in at about 220 calories, 1.5 net carbs, and a whopping 39 grams of protein, thanks to the crust being nearly 100% egg whites and pea protein. Even after I add MY pizza sauce and veggie toppings, I get a delicious and satisfying pizza for less than 400 calories! Don't have pea protein? Run out and get some today because it's worth it! For the record, I use Anthony's Premium Pea Protein. If you buy a large bag, this crust, including the price of eggs, comes out to be about $1.50. It's WAYYYY cheaper and less carbs than those icky cauliflower crusts. Sorry. I'm just not a fan! Also, you don't have to use a cast-iron skillet, but I highly recommend it. I keep my skillet in the oven, seasoned and ready to go. One quick note: After you pre-cook the crust on the parchment paper, remove the paper and then cook right in the pan! YUMMY! Oh, and since you're going to want to make this crust all the time, you're going to have a lot of yolks hanging around. No problem, just make sure you sign up for my newsletter, as I'll be sharing the easiest and yummiest keto dessert you've ever had as well as my plant-based sausage marinara sauce over the next few weeks. Oh, and if you want something to read while you're cooking and eating, "Down on Her Luck," a thirty-something chick lit with a hint of romance and humor, pairs well with this yummy dish! Grab it from your favorite retailer now!
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Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon Well, let's look at a couple definitions... ROMANCE: NOUN a novel or other prose narrative depicting heroic or marvelous deeds, pageantry, romantic exploits, etc., usually in a historical or imaginary setting: the colorful world, life, or conditions depicted in such tales. Marvelous deeds? Imaginary setting? Tales? Come on!!! That's not what romance is! No wonder readers -- people in general ... MEN -- get confused. I'd like to think that I'm living a romance because my husband does romantic things. When he surprises me with a mini-vacation, sends me cute little text messages, gives me sweet gifts, cleans the house before I get home, kisses me sweetly when I don't expect it... That's romantic, so doesn't it make sense that we're living in a ROMANCE story. Let's take a look at the words that define love: Profoundly tender Passionate affection Personal attachment Deep affection Sexual passion Desire Ahh... That's better! So why do we define books as contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, romantic comedy, romantic mystery, and romantic thriller? For the record, I wish there was another word other than "romantic" to describe what I write. Funny that they don't have a genre called "Love-Suspense Novel," since according to the definition, it would work better. Even though when I think of a "love story," the first thing that comes to my mind is the movie Love Story or Romeo and Juliet, and I certainly don't write that!!! The fact of the matter is ... I don't write romances either. I don't write about fanciful events leading up to the characters falling in love. I write about a love that went wrong. Love that started on the rocks and went through tragedies, or love stories that are surrounded by a life-threatening event, a murder mystery, secret pasts, on the run, mistakes... And sometimes, I write about a love that never happened that should have...like the one below. Not sure if many readers know this, but many websites don't even have options for women's fiction, chick lit, or romantic suspense; they have ROMANCE!!! That's it!!!! And sadly, some readers see the tag "romance," and they immediately think of a shirtless Fabio sweeping a half-dressed woman off her feet. My only answer is to try like heck to tell readers in the description EXACTLY what kind of romance you're getting when you download my books! So, read the description and take a chance on one of my romances... Here's One! A Thirty-Something Chick Lit with a Hint of Romance & Humor Or should I say, a Hint of Love...??? I'll let you decide!
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December 2024