But that doesn't mean you should give up! Writing the perfect book, the perfect male or female character, the perfect movie, song, play ... the perfect anything ... is impossible. Yes, impossible! Don't believe me ... Take a look at some of your all-time favorite movies, books, plays, music ... anything that you love. Someone, somewhere, hates it. But you know what? That's okay! Variety is the spice of life. If we all loved the same things, it would mean that everything would be the same. How boring would that be? VERY! I can't count how many times hubby and I have been discussing an issue, and someone who doesn't know us thought we were arguing. Hey, we've been married twenty-six years ... that's how we talk. And we love it! If he agreed with everything I said or wanted, I'd think, "Man, where's the tough guy I married?" and if I gave him everything he wanted ... Well, he'd probably like it for a little while--he is a man, after all--but then, even men would get bored of a woman who agreed with everything they said and wanted. So ... don't worry when a few people don't like what you wrote, said, sung, drew ... Look for--and be willing to learn from--the people who offer genuine, constructive criticism on what they didn't like about what you did, as those are the only critiques that matter. The honest reviews that will help you get better at your craft ... whatever it is. That said, yep, I have people who don't like what I write, but that's okay. I know my characters aren't for everyone. I don't write perfect heroes, just perfect gentlemen with a few flaws. I write stories about real people, dealing with real issues, facing real life. And yes, I've learned a lot in the last three years from those genuine reviewers I mentioned above--because I was willing to listen--and I'll keep learning, as long as I can type and read. So, brush off your backside, get back on the horse, and get back to work, my friends! Until next time, Happy Reading and Writing! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book, just for stopping by. To stay up-to-date on my writing posts, sales, giveaways, and new releases, sign up for my newsletter here. Amazon US
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I know we’ve heard this before, but I wasn’t sure if anyone had put it in social media and writing vernacular, so here goes: Make Friends: I don’t follow everyone, but if we share a common interest—this usually means writing, reading, thinking about writing or reading, or know someone who writes or reads and supports them—I usually follow back people who interact with me on Twitter and Facebook. Do Onto Others: Again, I don’t share everything, but if I read something I think my friends would enjoy, I retweet and share posts, especially when it’s from someone who shares my posts. :) If you can’t say Anything Nice…: Really, this should go without saying, but I still see it. Nothing wrong with having your opinion, but that’s exactly what it is: your opinion. Don’t get into a fighting match; that’s what the "unfollow" button is for. Remember...it takes two. Say You’re Sorry: If you do offend someone, say you’re sorry. Play Fair: Play by the rules. Unscrupulous activities make life hard for everyone. Whether it's social media tactics or marketing ventures. Use the old standard: if it feels wrong, it probably is. Share: The most shocking thing I heard from an author once was that she didn’t follow other authors… What? I laughed! Authors are readers; authors have readers who follow them. I can write about four books a year. Some of my readers—like me—can read that many books in a week. It only makes sense that if my readers like me, they will probably like what I like. So…I share! We trade readers. Make sense? Use the Buddy System: Indie authors have limited money and resources. Our best advertisement is each other and word of mouth from our readers. Find some buddies. Don’t go this alone. I’ve never worked with a more supportive team than writers. Have snack time: Stop writing and chatting. Go find some chocolate and coffee. Your head will be clearer when you return. Appreciate beauty: As children, we go on field trips, look at pretty pictures, read classics. As an adult, we still need inspiration. Leave your comfort zone. Go find something beautiful and write about it. Sing / Listen to Music: Nothing lends more inspiration than music. Whether it’s a sad country song or an instrumental piece, add some music to your routine. Wash Your Hands: I know…you’re saying, “What?” Okay…I’ll take this one step further. If you have writer’s block, stop! Go get the snack I mentioned, and then take a shower. Start with hot water to alleviate stress, but then finish with cold water as long as possible. If you don’t know about this, read up on it. The negative ions created from the water hitting the tile and the drowning out of all other sounds are the best way to get your mind thinking. Now…go write your blog, your book reviews, your tweets, your Facebook posts, or preferably your WIP! Until next time, happy reading and writing! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. Amazon US
Amazon Worldwide Link iTunes Kobo Barnes & Noble If it isn’t available free in your area, use… Google Play or Smashwords I love talking about all things books, so please connect with me via one of the links below. Goodreads As I wrote that line, not only was I reminded of Joe Fox's comment in You've Got Mail about vats of olive oil, but I also realized -- and this is fitting to the post -- not everyone likes Big Macs. Me, eh ... not really, I'd rather have a plain burger, so I pull everything off it. But ... I LOVE their french fries and coffee. I digress ... The M in McDonald's is probably the most commonly known trademark throughout the world, and yet, McDonald's advertises EVERYWHERE! Radio, TV, Twitter, Facebook, your mailbox … Yes, even though there's a good chance that you'll go to McDonald's in the near future -- umm … for coffee -- they still pay millions of dollars to bring you into their lair. And one of their most popular draws is the freebie or discount, often called a "loss leader." Yes, that lure of a free or bargain sandwich is what gets you in the door. Sure, you could just order the Big Mac, but ohhhh…those fries smell so good, and then you know you'll want a nice refreshing soda -- Diet Coke, of course -- to wash it all down. Yep! They gotcha! They know if you come in for the free sandwich, more than likely, you'll go away with more … and there's a good chance, you'll bring a friend … or two. Well, that's what a free or $0.99 eBook is like. It doesn't mean that the book isn't the author's number-one bestseller -- like the Big Mac. Authors offer you their bestseller at FREE or $0.99, hoping you'll order the follow-up novel, and maybe even a third. I'm not particularly fond of cliffhangers in books … I always like to end the current situation, and then dangle another situation in front of the reader, but even a cliffhanger is like a Big Mac. Sure, you could just have water … but authors hope that once you finish the book, your mouth is watering for something more. Water … love it. But some things, like burgers and pizza, just taste better with a Coke. Wasn’t that a campaign too? So, go ahead … as an author, don't be afraid to offer readers a snack. And readers, I always offer a snack. It just seems like a nice way for us to meet. If your mouth doesn’t water for another course, that’s okay. I just hope you enjoy a little escapism on me. Until next time, happy reading and writing, friends! Carmen Stop by your favorite retailer and grab one of the "FIRSTS" in three of my on-going series, absolutely FREE! Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. I love talking about all things books, so if you want more posts on writing, marketing books, and new releases, and giveaways, please leave your email address here. I only send out a post once or twice a month at the most. :)
December 2024