Take advantage of your time at home!!! Read!!! Since many are out of work right now, I'm going to lighten your load. I'm offering three of my bestselling First-In-Series Books absolutely FREE, so please share with your friends! For those of you who've already read these books, let me know which of my follow-up books you'd like. If I have a coupon for it, it's YOURS! Only exclusions are the Midnight Sons series, since Amazon hasn't given me coupons for them yet. AND...if that's not enough... How about some FREE audiobooks to chase away cabin fever! Ask and you shall receive...any of my audiobooks!!! Simply email me: Carmen @ CarmenDeSousa . com, and it's yours! Hurry! Once I'm out, I'm out! Derrick's desire to save one human girl will ignite a war... For four thousand years, creatus have concealed themselves from the humans who hunted them almost to extinction. Unwittingly, one creatus will endanger them all... In his quest to protect the woman he can never have, a twist of faith propels him into a role that will cause dissension among his family and endanger the anonymity that they've spent thousands of years protecting. Now, he will risk everything to save the girl from humans and his own kind. The one thing he can't save her from, however...is herself. This 2-book set is FREE at all major eBook retailers! Download from Amazon.com now! Find links to all sites here!
Whether you're staying home or hitting the road, don't be caught without a book!
And to lighten your load, I'm offering the firsts in three of my bestselling series FREE!
And for my lovely avid-reading friends who've already read all my books, YES, there's a new series on the way. Two books are already finished, and the third will be ready soon. All three books will be released back to back starting this fall!
Happy Reading! Carmen
Also, if you haven't heard...
The new release in the Creatus Saga is now available. Simply click on the link for your favorite retailer and grab a handful of treats that won't add to your waistline!
December 2024