No matter what you do in life, a third of the people will love you (5 STARS), a third will hate you (1 STAR), and the rest will be indifferent (3 STARS). This rule drives elections, surveys, polls, and I’m sure you’ve run into it in your life or workplace. Possibly, someone didn't like you, no matter how nice you were. Or, your job depends on good reviews. Nowadays, nearly anyone who deals with the public is subject to a review.
Instead of crying over that person you couldn't please no matter what you did, get over it and CARRY ON!
Yes, I'm talking to myself. If you're listening, GREAT! It's good advice! Is it easy advice? Heck No!
Thank goodness that ALL of the 33 1/3% of the people who don't like something, don't write reviews. On average, less than 5% of consumers give one-star reviews, so why do we get so depressed when we receive a one-star review? Why do we readily believe what less than five percent of people tell us, instead of embracing the 95%?
I'm certain I'm not alone in this, right? When I receive a three, four, or five-star review, I'm always happy. But I don't run around and cheer. I smile, release a breath that it was a good review, and then carry on with my life.
BUT...when I get a one-star review... My head drops, my heart rate increases, I almost always stop what I'm doing and sulk a bit. Sometimes I run to the pantry for some dark chocolate, read the review to my hubby who says, "I'm sorry, babe," which makes me feel fractionally better. If I'm really put off, I'll do something drastic like writing a blog post. this one.
Why do I do this to myself? Why do I care? Hey, she didn't even attack my writing. All she did was write, "The main character is not a nice person." So what? Didn't 95% of the people write, “Entertaining and upbeat. I liked the steady pace, and the characters were likable.” — Vine Voice Reviewer Yep, they did. : )
If you don't feel better about that one-star person in your life, let me tell you about an exercise I used to do. I don't have to do this exercise anymore, because even though I sulk a bit when I read a one-star review, I really have learned to take poor reviews with a grain of salt. We need one-star reviews. If we never receive one-star reviews, other readers would wonder. Because even if you've never heard about the Rule of Thirds that I mentioned above, almost everyone knows that you can't please everyone.
If everyone says they love you, someone is lying.
Oh, the exercise. Look up your favorite book, movie, music, art, play, or whatever of all time, preferably a bestseller that's been loved by millions worldwide. Check out the one-star reviews, read a few. I guarantee they have more one-star reviews than you do.
And for all of you lovely readers out there, it's okay to give a one-star review. Just remember there's a person behind the book, movie, or music that you're reviewing. So please remember to keep it constructive. <3
If you'd like to decide if you like my characters, Down on Her Luck is one of my books where readers either LOVE or HATE the main character. Not sure what there is to hate about Alaina. She's trying her darndest to turn her luck and life around. What's so wrong about that? Aren't we all? Well, I'll let you decide. ;)
Read an excerpt right here!
Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn't be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. I love talking about all things books, so if you want more posts on writing, marketing, new releases, and giveaways, please leave your email address here. I only send out a post a few times a month at the most.
Until next time, happy reading and writing, friends!
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We authors are an eclectic bunch; we have to be. How else could we design the multitude of characters needed to create a work of fiction? In every story there must be a protagonist, most know this, but... Without an archenemy, be it a person, a character flaw, or a psychosis, where would the conflict stem? If we as writers cannot imagine — get into the heads of — different emotional aspects of characters, how could ALL the characters be believable? It's easy to design a protagonist after yourself or even someone you know. But how do you create a character whose mind you never really want to be a part of in the first place? Research is one way, tons of it. But you also have to possess the ability to identify with the psyche of someone you'd rather not understand. You have to put yourself in their shoes, recognize they are people. They may be the "bad guys," but they typically have families, go to work, and play just like the rest of us. A truly believable character must have some normal human characteristics, or he or she won't be believable -- yes, I like a woman to be the "bad guy" sometimes. Yes, they may be the "bad guys," but they still live, work, and socialize in the real world. Oftentimes, they are our co-workers, next door neighbors, friends, or heaven forbid, our relatives. And sometimes, the "bad guy," may grow and no longer be the bad guy. That happens, too. Sometimes, we as people learn from our mistakes and no longer want to live as the "bad guy." Want to see how I blend the good and the bad with all my characters, as they all have a little of both? Click one of the links below for a little more about what I write. My stories are available in eBook, print, and audiobook formats at your favorite retailer. I'll even give you a free book just for stopping by. From there, all my stories are priced "less than a latte" each so you can afford to READ UP and enjoy! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon NOTE: Beards, tattoos, height, body build, and few other exterior attributes are the differences between alpha and sigma males; it's their mindset. Alphas are usually at the top, Betas follow, and Sigmas don’t fit a standard mold. Read on for a better explanation of these two archetypes. In recent years, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male have emerged as popular character archetypes in romantic suspense novels. While both types of characters may possess strong personalities and leadership qualities, there are some key differences between them that set them apart. First, let’s define what I mean by an Alpha Male. The Alpha Male is the traditional strong, confident, and assertive male character. He is often the leader of the pack, who is not afraid to take charge in most situations. Often, he is the person in control, and his confidence and assertiveness are often seen as attractive to the female protagonist. Alpha Males in a novel are typically powerful, domineering, and confident. On the other hand, the Sigma Male is a more recent archetype that has emerged in literature. A Sigma Male is often seen as an outsider, someone who doesn’t fit into the traditional Alpha Male mold. They tend to be more introverted, and they are not as concerned with fitting in with the crowd. They often possess a strong sense of self and self-reliance, and they are not afraid to question the status quo. They can be more mysterious and less predictable than Alpha Males. Sigma Males in a novel are often seen as mysterious and enigmatic. Second, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male usually have different approaches to relationships. Alpha Males tend to be more dominant and are often the ones who take the lead. They are not afraid to make the first move, and they are often seen as the ones who are in control. They may also be more possessive and jealous, and may not be as open to compromise in a relationship. Sigma Males, on the other hand, tend to be more independent and less interested in being in charge of a relationship. They are not as likely to make the first move, and they may be more reserved in expressing their feelings. They may be more comfortable in being equal partners with the other person and not needing to be in the lead role. They may also be more open to communication and compromise. Lastly, the Alpha Male and Sigma Male have different approaches to solving problems. Alpha Males tend to be more assertive, and they are often the first to take action. They are not afraid to confront a problem head-on, and they may use force to solve it if needed. They are often seen as confident problem solvers. Sigma Males, however, tend to be more thoughtful and introspective. They may not be as quick to take action, but they are more likely to take a step back and consider all options before making a decision. They may be more likely to use tact and diplomacy to solve problems, instead of brute force. They can be more strategic and use unconventional methods to achieve their goals. While both archetypes can be interesting and complex characters, I realize one or the other might appeal to different readers and play different roles in the story. Personally, while some of my male characters might have one area where they seem Alpha-like, nearly all of my male characters are Sigma Males. Personal preference plays out in my stories, I guess. 😊 Comments Welcome! What Say You? Did you know there was a difference between Alpha and Sigma Males? Do you have a preference? What books have you read lately that you can clearly see the difference in the types of characters? Until next time, happy reading! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. Find all my books at your favorite book retailer in eBook, Paperback, and Audio! Amazon US - Amazon Worldwide Google Play iTunes Kobo Barnes & Noble Audible Chirp Audiobooks My books featuring some of my favorite Sigma Male Leads! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon One of the things I've noticed about novels and movies is that, over the last few decades, writers have portrayed the majority of men to be cold-hearted, uncaring men who need to be tamed. Maybe it’s because my father raised me, but I never saw this. In fact, throughout my years, I’ve seen just the opposite. Most of the men I’ve known have loved women to their own detriment. I wondered: how can I prove men have feelings, love deeply, heart and soul? Anyone remember Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney and Wings? I started thinking about that song, and I was off and running! Here's what I found! Note: This isn’t one of those infallible, never-slanted polls taken by Fox or CNN (insert laughter). I did this on my own. I chose not to look at just one source, but many. I decided the best way to prove men have feelings was to use their own words. I researched Billboard, Top 100, Country’s Best, and several other music lists to find the top love songs in all genres, across all ages. And then, I looked up who wrote the lyrics, because that’s what really matters, right? Surprise… I was right! Of course, if I hadn't been, you wouldn’t have seen this post. (more laughter) Would it shock you to hear that ninety percent of all love songs — in every genre — were written by men. Many of those gooey, sweet love songs we love, even the ones sung by women, came out of a man’s mind. Why does this interest me? Because I write about strong male characters "sigma alphas" (more on that next week) who, though they may seem controlling at times, love deeply with all of their heart and soul. My leads are willing to do anything to get, keep, and protect the women they love. So, if you enjoy reading romantic suspense stories with strong male protagonists, you might love my novels. Below are the firsts in many of my series with, you guessed it, sigma heroes. Oh, in case you're wondering, my women aren't too weak either. Even if they start out that way, they tend to grow by the end. Until next time, happy reading! Carmen Thank you for stopping by my place and reading my musings. Remember, these are just my opinions and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comment section, and I promise you I will answer. If you’re curious about what I write, please visit one of my author pages, where you can read all about my novels and short stories. And hey, I’ll even give you a free book just for stopping by. Find all my books at your favorite book retailer in eBook, Paperback, and Audio! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
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December 2024