My Characters from Creatus, the Midnight Sons, and The Southern Collection Have Gone on Strike!4/1/2024 Dear Friends, I woke up this morning to an astonishing revelation that left me baffled, intrigued, and, I must admit, a little amused. It appears the characters from the Creatus series, The Southern Collection, and the Midnight Sons have chosen today, of all days, to go on strike. Yes, you read that right! My beloved characters have decided they deserve a day off until I give them what they want. As I tried to negotiate with them—a tricky feat, given their adamant stance on enjoying a bit of leisure—they've presented me with a list of demands. They're quite the imaginative bunch, as you well know. Here are a few of their requests: More Plot Twists: They're craving adventures that are even more labyrinthine and mind-bending. They want you, the readers, to be on the edge of your seats, guessing until the very last page. Exotic Locations for Future Stories: Our Southern charmers are looking to mix it up with the mystical beings from the Creatus universe in locations that span from the enchanting Land of the Noonday Sun in North Carolina to the Land of the Midnight Sun in Alaska. Crossover Cameos: In an unprecedented move, characters from The Southern Collection are negotiating cameo appearances alongside Sam and his team in Alaska to Derrick and the New England Creatus family, who will be soon gathering in Maine. Imagine the rich, Southern charm of Jordan and his friends and the tough Alaska rescue team meeting the secretive, supernatural world. The possibilities are endless! Okay, if you haven’t figured this out yet, this is definitely an April Fools' joke, started by Mike from the Creatus series. Only he would think up something like this. I let him go ahead with it because he’s so fun and lovable, but decided I better offer a peace offering for you, my dear readers. So, on this April Fools' Day, I'm offering She Belongs to Me free at all major book retailers! Kindle ● Excerpt ● Series ● Play ● iBooks ● Nook ● Kobo ● Audible Until next time, Happy Reading, and, remember, today is a day for laughter, surprises, and, of course, a little bit of mischief. Warmest regards, Carmen DeSousa Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts.
We authors are an eclectic bunch; we have to be. How else could we design the multitude of characters needed to create a work of fiction? In every story there must be a protagonist, most know this, but... Without an archenemy, be it a person, a character flaw, or a psychosis, where would the conflict stem? If we as writers cannot imagine — get into the heads of — different emotional aspects of characters, how could ALL the characters be believable? It's easy to design a protagonist after yourself or even someone you know. But how do you create a character whose mind you never really want to be a part of in the first place? Research is one way, tons of it. But you also have to possess the ability to identify with the psyche of someone you'd rather not understand. You have to put yourself in their shoes, recognize they are people. They may be the "bad guys," but they typically have families, go to work, and play just like the rest of us. A truly believable character must have some normal human characteristics, or he or she won't be believable -- yes, I like a woman to be the "bad guy" sometimes. Yes, they may be the "bad guys," but they still live, work, and socialize in the real world. Oftentimes, they are our co-workers, next door neighbors, friends, or heaven forbid, our relatives. And sometimes, the "bad guy," may grow and no longer be the bad guy. That happens, too. Sometimes, we as people learn from our mistakes and no longer want to live as the "bad guy." Want to see how I blend the good and the bad with all my characters, as they all have a little of both? Click one of the links below for a little more about what I write. My stories are available in eBook, print, and audiobook formats at your favorite retailer. I'll even give you a free book just for stopping by. From there, all my stories are priced "less than a latte" each so you can afford to READ UP and enjoy! Follow my newsletter or author pages to stay up-to-date on New Releases, Specials, and Writing Posts!
Newsletter - BookBub - Amazon First of all, I hope your summer was great and that you came through the last year happy and healthy. Me, I'm excited for fall! I mean, really, I know there are three other great seasons, but fall... It beckons me, saying, "Hey, a crazy busy time is coming up, so take a moment to sip a pumpkin-spiced latte and read a book...or ten!" Now that the weather has cooled off in my neck of the woods, I've been flying through books like crazy. And oddly enough, they're not the type of books I've been reading for the last few years. My guess is that I've been wanting to get back to my roots of writing whodunnits, so I've been binge-reading mystery books. Yeah, there's a little romance in them, too, as I love a little sexual tension. Other than the books I've been reading, I have great news. . . The final book in The Midnight Sons collection is on the way! I know y'all have been waiting since Sam's Folly for Daire's story, so I'm happy to report it's up for pre-order. Grab Daire's Resolution now! Secrets… Daire Belgarde knows that Alaska is the hiding place of the nation. Nearly everyone who moves to The Last Frontier is running from someone or hiding something. And now, Daire is keeping a secret—he’s in love with his boss. Over the last few weeks, keeping his feelings hidden has gotten harder because it’s clear the woman he loves has come to Alaska to hide, too. . . READ MORE While you're waiting for Daire's Story, take a look at... What I've been reading!
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New Audio Book!
While fiction...The Depot and The Library are based on a true murder mystery. Learn more about the ghost who haunts Ashley's Tavern inside the eBook... In 1934, the body of a beautiful, but poor young woman was found alongside a riverbank near The Depot. Beaten to a pulp, only recognizable by a tattoo on her ankle, and yet, days after the discovery, the story all but disappears. Eighty years later, locals claim The Depot is haunted. But in all the years homicide detective Mark Waters has visited the historic 1800s train station turned restaurant, he's never seen proof. Until now. As he sifts through evidence of a supposed suicide by train, he learns a murder that took place eighty years ago may directly affect his case. Six months after the strange occurrences at The Depot, there’s another murder. This time, The Library holds secrets of several murders, and the dead won’t rest until the murderer checks out too. The two-book special edition of The Depot and The Library is available at all major eBook retailers:
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December 2024